Peak Performance & Aligned Impact Hacks*

*For 4am wake-ups required!

Steal these neuroscience based Peak Performance & Work-Life Alignment Hacks that save you a minimum of 10 hours a week, bring joy back in your business, and are guaranteed to be the highest ROI activity of your year!

After your 3 Day Free Trial, your $7/month fee gives you access to everything in Peak Performance & Aligned Impact Hacks as long as you are an active member and for as long as you wish to stay. There are no long term contacts, you can cancel anytime.

Finally create the PERSONAL, FINANCIAL, and global IMPACT you were made for, while working LESS!

My methodologies encapsulate mindset, leadership models, ways to access the super-conscious to remove blocks, and practical business systems & structures that are GUARANTEED to bring back the highest ROI this year.

Browse through these hacks in just minutes a day - learn one, swipe two, implement them all to:

  • Get back a minimum of 10 hours every week

  • Turn your annual results into quarterly wins

  • Move from burnt out hustler to energized super-performer

  • So that you can finally step into the next level version of you today!









This is for you if you are...

Feeling called to make a greater impact

Overwhelmed by your daily to-do list

Busy all day, but feel like you're barely moving the needle

Working more than you would as an employee - and your family time & mental health are feeling the strain

Feeling burnt out and questioning your purpose

Know you need more support, but unsure how to afford it or feeling the sting from past hires that didn't perform well

Caught in the decision fatigue of finding marketing & sales tactics that don't feel exhausting or sleazy

Want to wake up in the morning knowing exactly what to do and feel in the flow during the day

Peak Performance & Aligned Impact Hacks:


After your free trial, your $7/month gives you access to everything in Peak Performance & Aligned Impact Hacks as long as you are an active member and for as long as you wish to stay. There are no long term contacts, you can cancel anytime.

A Taste of the Transformational Training Topics & Action Plans Coming your Way...

  • The 3 Day Workweek: Simple Keys to Increasing Productivity by 40%

  • Align your Business & Life in Just 3 Minutes a Day

  • Neuroscience 101: Understanding & Reprogramming Your Subconscious

  • The Simple Secrets to Attracting & Retaining Top Talent

  • Bottom-Up Budget for Exponential Growth

  • How to Hire an Amazing Virtual Assistant

  • Your Million Dollar Activities to Compound Your Results

  • Accessing Your Conscious Creation Power Hours

  • Define Your Custom Business Model that Lights You Up

  • The Secrets to a Million-dollar Mindset

  • 33 Semi-Passive Income Streams You Can Add Today

  • Investments vs. Expenses: Rethinking How You Spend

  • And many, many more...

  • ....Including the option to request a custom Hack!


Colette Belisle, MBA, PMP

A second-time entrepreneur, I've lived in 4 countries and explored ~40, working with top international companies in the areas of management consulting, project management, peak performing teams, process/systems optimization, and higher education.

Since leaving my corporate consulting job, I've had the honor and privilege of supporting hundreds of leaders & entrepreneurs - from just starting to 8+ figures - to break through unnecessary overwhelm and scale up their businesses, without following misaligned fads or sacrificing their personal lives.


  • International MBA - University of Oxford, UK

  • BS in Financial Planning - University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA

  • Project Management Professional™ Certified (PMP), including Agile Implementations

  • Executive Women's Leadership Certificate - IE Business School Executive MBA, Madrid

  • NLP-based Transformational Coaching Methodology Certificate 

  • Certified Value Builder™ (System for increasing value of company to sell)

  • Entrepreneurial Operating System™ (EOS™) Implementor/Integrator

  • 90-Day Year™ Group Leader (High Performance System)

  • Featured in numerous publications, podcasts & stages.


  • My #1 priority in life is my family. We have two young children and recently built a house on the XC Ski/Mountain bike trails in the Northwoods of WI. (Thank you high speed internet!)

  • I believe in designing success on your own terms and value experiences over things. I love pushing my own boundaries - like hang-gliding for the first time in Rio de Janeiro, even though I'm extremely scared of heights. If you also love challenges & value experiences over things, we'll get along well.

  • I feel most at home in a pair of leggings and rarely wear makeup. But I promise I'll wear a suit if that's your culture. :)

  • If you want to get me reminiscing, ask me about my favorite country (that's like choosing my favorite child).


I believe that we each have a unique genius, and when you are empowered to Lead with your Genius™, you create a ripple effect of impact and inspiration, changing the world far beyond your reach.

When I left corporate to start my business, I realized that the fastest way I could make a huge impact in the world would be by helping businesses & leaders become Peak Performers so that they could increase their results without burning out & while staying aligned to their personal values.


Ultimately, my purpose is about creating a community of change-makers who use their gifts & talents to change the way we view "work" and "impact" in the world, one community at a time.

Are you ready to become a Peak Performer & create your Aligned Impact?

After your free trial, your $7/month fee gives you access to everything in Peak Performance & Aligned Impact Hacks as long as you are an active member and for as long as you wish to stay. There are no long term contacts, you can cancel anytime.


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Frequetly Asked Question

What is the Refund/Cancellation Policy?

Following your Free Trial, your $7/month fee gives you access to everything in Peak Performance & Aligned Impact Hacks as long as you are an active member and for as long as you wish to stay. Given the low fee & instant access to the content, there are no refunds. There are also no long term contacts; you can cancel anytime.

Is this only for Entrepreneurs & Business Owners?

This is for anyone who wants to improve their productivity, align their work with their life, and become stronger leaders. We work with everyone from 8-figure CEOs to Side-Hustlers to 6-figure Soul-Focused Coaches to Corporate Leaders.

Is this only for a specific stage of business/leadership?

No, our clients range from side-hustlers to leaders of large companies/teams. There will be a variety of trainings that you can apply immediately no matter your stage, and others will support you in strengthening your foundation in preparation for further growth.

After your free trial, your $7/month fee gives you access to everything in Peak Performance & Aligned Impact Hacks as long as you are an active member and for as long as you wish to stay. There are no long term contacts, you can cancel anytime.

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